LinkedIn Testimonials and Best Practices

  • I wanted to let you know that I began using many of your LinkedIn strategies as part of my complementary sourcing strategies. Interestingly enough, it has become so wildly successful that it is my primary means prospecting outside of referrals. 


    I would like to offer you two examples of how it worked for me recently. The first example is a company that none of the advisors in my area had been able to get access to. By searching for second level connections with my existing primary connections I was able to connect with some people inside the company who were connected with officers in the company. Once I gained these initial connections I was able to use that to springboard into connecting directly with the decision makers resulting in an appointment to discuss bench marking their company plan.

    The other example is a local tech company which may go public in the near future. Utilizing a similar strategy as the first example coupled with niche marketing through existing tech clients, I have an able to develop numerous relationships at that company which have the potential to become extremely profitable in the event of an IPO.