LinkedIn Work Experience Profile Template

The work experience section is organized in a chronological order, with the newest experience at the top. Depending on your age, career level and frequency of job changes, you might have more or less entries. Your LinkedIn work history is a different medium than the one-line explanation of job duties listed on your resume. Here, you’re able to provide more detail to fully illustrate your impact in the role & peak your prospects’ interests. The key is to emphasize your accomplishments and provide proof of your potential value. A few things to keep in mind:

  • Focus on accomplishments that relate to your prospects and remove job duties and accomplishments that don’t support your objective. Everything on your profile should answer these questions:
    • How does what I am saying help the client achieve their goals?
    • How does it solve the biggest problems facing the client?
    • How does it answer questions the client may have about my business?
  • Frontload your achievements so that the first thing the person reads is the achievement
    • Instead of saying “Promoted to my current position where I excelled in sales, increasing them by 12% in the first year.”
    • Try “Increased sales by 12% in the first year following my promotion”
  • Include multimedia: certifications, projects, results, portfolio, etc.
  • Link to the company page on LinkedIn
    • When you add a new position on LinkedIn, you are prompted to add the name of the company you worked for. If they have a company page on LinkedIn, your personal profile will be linked to this company page. You can double check if you did it right by searching for the logo that will display next to the new position (see image below).

  • Add a specific job title
    • It’s almost never the title that you have or had on your business card. Those are too generic and won’t get you found by clients.
  • Add a description to each Experience Section of Your LinkedIn Profile
    • LinkedIn gives you 2000 characters to describe your responsibilities, achievements & tasks in this section. Use them. This is a section that counts for LinkedIn’s internal search engine, so use your keywords.
    • Add work experience in bullet points
    • quantify your results if possible
    • Add samples of your work and rich media types
    • Add certifications where appropriate
    • Make sure your job descriptions are client facing and contain keywords.
  • Special Characters
    • If you would like to distinguish these sections use Characters such as the ones below. These characters can be displayed on LinkedIn and can be copied & pasted from below:
    • ●  ★   ☛ ►   ۞   •   ☼      ◊   ♦   ◘   ♫   ■   ▬  ╔
  • Get Recommendations – According to LinkedIn Stats, profiles with recommendations get up to 7 times more inquiries than profiles who don’t. So go ahead, reach out to your best clients, coworkers or superiors.
  • Consistent formatting is key. Triple check!
    • There are so many different, yet correct, ways that you can approach displaying your content. The key is to keep that approach consistent throughout your various positions. Dashes for a bulleted list? Paragraph form? All are viable ways, but utilize one and stick to it. This goes for capitalization and point of view, too.
  • Keep statistics informative, but don’t overload them and include 15 different comparisons. Don’t forget to put any statistic or jargon in layman’s terms so that anyone (including your client’s & prospects!) can understand.
  • Keep it clear and concise — Don’t use four words when one will do.
  • Use Power Words to demonstrate your action.
  • PAR stands for Problem Action Results and is a good starting point for thinking about your accomplishments.
    • What types of challenges did you face?
    • What actions did you take to overcome the problems?
    • What was the result of your efforts, and how did your performance benefit the company?

Financial Advisor Examples

  • Provided relationship and wealth management for 20 high net worth clients
  • Personally managed the success of three educational facilities by ensuring that all programs, faculty, and staff had the tools to provide a stellar educational environment to all enrolled students.
  • Advised customers on investments within a portfolio of $15M
  • Promoted bank products with an 80% success rate, including cross selling of deposits, current accounts, commercial notes and bankers acceptance
  • Researched and implemented new credit products, including Visa cards, in the Nigerian market
  • Recruited 10 clients worth $10M by implementing international concierge and credit card services
  • Generated credit and liability analysis for group and bank

Trained 80 new bank personnel in wealth management services